
Research Group Computational Methods for Uncertainty Quantification

Current and previous lectures

Please note that the following information is currently only available in German, an English version will follow soon.

For Information in English please contact the lecturer directly.

Possible thesis topics

Topics for Bachelor and Master theses in the areas of

efficient sampling methods
stochastic differential equations and their approximation
parabolic / hyperbolic stochastic partial differential equations
numerical methods for partial differential equations

are always available. For details please contact Prof. Dr. Andrea Barth

Previous Lectures

Lineare Strukturen
Vorlesungen, Übungen
Prof. Dr. Andrea Barth
Numerik für Differentialgleichungen
Vorlesungen, Übungen
Prof. Dr. Andrea Barth

Institutsseminar Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Simulation

Prof. Dr. Andrea Barth
Prof. Dr. Dominik Göddeke
Prof. Dr. Bernard Haasdonk
Prof. Dr. Christian Rohde
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stamm

Numerische Mathematik 2
Vorlesungen, Übungen
Prof. Dr. Andrea Barth

Institutsseminar Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Simulation

Prof. Dr. Andrea Barth
Prof. Dr. Dominik Göddeke
Prof. Dr. Bernard Haasdonk
Prof. Dr. Christian Rohde
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stamm

No lectures due to research sabbatical

This image shows Andrea Barth

Andrea Barth

Prof. Dr.

Head of Group

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