Welcome to the homepage of the summer school on reduced basis methods!
The RB-Summer School is a meeting of PhD- and Master-students working on the reduced basis method in particular and model order reduction of parametrized systems in general.
The first RB-Summer School 2011 took place on the Reisensburg near Ulm and was a very nice occasion to meet all the PhDs working on RB-methods in Germany. We would like to organise the same kind of event this year. If you have any questions please dont hesitate to contact either of us: Sven Kaulmann, Markus Dihlmann, Daniel Wirtz.
We hope that you will find all the information you need on this homepage. However, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us any time.
Event Schedule
HOT! Please find the current Workshop schedule.
Every PhD or Master student who would like to share his work and his ideas in the field of reduced basis methods is invited to contribute with a talk. In contrast to usual conferences the RB summer school provides a calm environment and plenty of time giving room to lively discussions. This is a great opportunity to see the work of other PhDs and master students, to learn in detail about their subject and to ask questions in an informal atmosphere.
Location & Date
This year’s „RB Summer School“ will take place from August 28. - 31.
The workshop will be held at the hotel Zollernblick Lauterbad near Freudenstadt, Schwarzwald.
For directions check out their homepage or directly follow the instructions here.
Registration & Deadlines
The registration deadline is the July 1st, 2012.
To register please send an eMail to rbss2012(at)mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de with the following information:
Contact data (Name, Institute, University, eMail).
If you want to give a presentation, the title and rough research area of the talk. If not, please indicate this to us as well.
The time period you will be attending the meeting.
If by any reason you can not attend the meeting after having registered, the latest date you can withdraw your participation without costs is the July 31th, 2012.
Since the RB Summer School is a meeting from PhD's for PhD's, we try to keep the costs at a reasonable level. The current estimated participation fee is 230€, including board and lodging for the full time.
The hotel agreed on creating individual invoices for each participant by the end of the meeting, which everybody has to pay upon checkout. Those will comprise the actually caused costs (coffee breaks etc), so that the effective fees might differ slightly from the above estimate. On the upside, this will not require you to pay participation fees a-priori.
Please note here that any claims of the hotel due to late cancellations will be forwarded to the person who is not attending.
Please note also that payment using credit cards (such as Visa, Master Card, American Express) is not possible. The hotel will accept EC cards, though.
Registered attendants & talks
Name | Institute |
Talk title |
Felix Albrecht | WWU Münster | "The Localized Reduced Basis Multiscale Method with Online Enrichment" |
Olena Burkovska | Technische Universität München | "Reduced Basis Method for the Obstacle Problem" |
Markus Dihlmann | University of Stuttgart | "Gradient-based parameter optimization with a reduced basis surrogate model" |
Martin Drohmann | University of Münster | "Empirical Operator Interpolation" |
Anna-Lena Gerner | RWTH Aachen | "RBM for saddle point problems" |
Silke Glas | University of Duisburg-Essen | no talk |
Martin Hess | Max Planck Institute, Magdeburg | "Fast Evaluation of Time-Harmonic Maxwell's Equations Using the RBM" |
Sven Kaulmann | University of Stuttgart | "Online Reduced Basis Methods" |
Joachim Krenciszek | University of Kaiserslautern | "Model Reduction for a Dynamic Signorini Contact Problem using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition" |
Mark Kärcher | RWTH Aachen | "A Certified Reduced Basis Method for Parametrized Optimal Control Problems" |
Immanuel Maier | University of Stuttgart | "An iterative RB scheme for homogeneous domain decomposition" |
Antonia Mayerhofer | Ulm University | no talk |
Robert O'Connor | RWTH Aachen | "Feedback Control Utilizing the Reduced Basis Method" |
Mohammad Rasty | RWTH Aachen | no talk |
Stephan Rave | WWU Münster | "Freezing Solutions of Time Evolution Problems for Reduced Basis Approximation" |
Kathrin Smetana | WWU Münster | "Reduced Basis Methods in the context of Hierarchical Model Reduction" |
Kristina Steih | Ulm University | no talk |
Maximilian Walther | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg | "Modelreduction for partial differential equations on networks" |
Kirsten Weber | WWU Münster | no talk |
Andrea Wesche | Universität Konstanz | "The Reduced Basis Method Applied on the Transport Equations of a Lithium-Ion Battery" |
Bernhard Wieland | Ulm University | "Implicit p-partitioning of probability spaces for the construction of affine decompositions of parametric stochastic processes" |
Linus Wunderlich | Technische Universität München | "Reduced Basis Method for the Obstacle Problem" |
Daniel Wirtz | University of Stuttgart | "A-posteriori error estimation for POD-DEIM reduced nonlinear systems" |
Lorenzo Zanon | RWTH Aachen | "The RB Method for Nonlinear Elasticity" |
Oliver Zeeb | Ulm University | "A Coupled Reaction-Convection-Diffusion-System" |
Yongjin Zhang | Max Planck Institute, Magdeburg | "An adaptive technique for snapshot selection during model reduction for parameterized evolution equations" |