
A non-exhaustive list of collaborations

Data-Integrated Simulation Science (SimTech): From isolated Approaches to System Science

The SimTech Cluster of Excellence is an interdisciplinary research association in the field of simulation sciences.

More than 200 scientists from virtually all faculties of the University of Stuttgart work together here, performing research toward a common goal: We want to develop simulation technology into an integrative systems science. It is the only way to meet today’s scientific challenges of the environmental, health, industry and development sectors as described in our visions.

Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing

The SFB-TRR 161 is a collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects that connects 17 project teams of the University of Stuttgart, University of Konstanz and the Max-Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, that are working in four Project Areas, three Task Forces in the field of Visual Computing.

B. von Harrach University of Frankfurt
R. Kruse TU Berlin
A. Chernov Oldenburg
F. Espen Benth University of Oslo Norway
A. Lang Chalmers Sweden
Ch. Schwab ETH Zurich Switzerland
V. Rivero CIMAT Mexico
R. Bürger Universidad de Conceptión Chile
K. Carlberg Sandia Labs USA
F. Fuchs SINTEF Norway
Robert Bosch GmbH
Daimler AG


This image shows Andrea Barth

Andrea Barth

Prof. Dr.

Head of Examination Committee Bachelor Mathematik B.Sc.
Head of Group

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