Many processes in natural and engineering sciences are mathematically described by systems of nonlinear partial differential equations. Any approach towards a deeper understanding and simulation of these processes requires a close interplay between mathematical modelling, analysis and numerics. The group aims at to make major contributions to these topics in an interdisciplinary context. A particular focus is on problems in mathematical fluid mechanics that lead to systems of conservation laws. Applications include multiscale and multiphysics problems in compressible fluid flow, multiphase flow in free and porous media domains, radiation- and magnetohydrodynamics as well as particle flow.
News & Events
Introduction to Asymptotic Analysis and Homogenization Theory
Short Course by Prof. Dr. Taras Melnyk, IANS/AM and SFB1313, Pfaffenwaldring 57, seminar room 8.122, February 10 to 12, 2025, 2:00 to 3:30 pm. -
Summer School on "Adaptive methods and a posteriori error estimation"
Hasselt University presents the Summer School from June 24-27, 2024

Christian Rohde
Prof. Dr.Head of Group
[Image: Laura Holzmann Photography]

Ingrid Bock
Secretary's office

Sylvia Zur
B. A.Secretary's Office