IANS seminar

Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation

Seminars at our institute.

The IANS seminar is our institute-wide seminar. It includes distinguished talks by guest researchers on recent results, and is open for everyone to attend. The target audience typically starts at the M.Sc. level.

Additional talks are frequently given by M.Sc. students and researchers at the institute.

Unless otherwise stated, all seminars take place in room 7.122, Pfaffenwaldring 57.

Everyone interested is welcome to attend.

Summer term 2021

IANS seminar

  • Wednesday, 23.06.2020, 15:30, (Webex-Seminar)
    Dr. Stephan Rave, University of Stuttgart
    "Model Order Reduction of Large-Scale Systems"

Additional seminar talks

Previous terms

  • Wednesday, 20.05.2020, 11:00, (Webex-Seminar)
    Aleksey Sikstel, RWTH Aachen
    Coupling of Compressible Euler Equations via Riemann Problems
  • Wednesday, 10.06.2020, 14:00, (Webex-Seminar)
    Andreas Stein, University of Stuttgart
    Uncertainty quantification with Lévy-type randomfields

IANS Seminar:

  • Wednesday, 30.10.2019, 16:00,
    Prof. Dr. Zakaria Belhachmi, University of Haute Alsace
    Motion analysis modelling for large displacements and varying illumination: a fully parallel approach

  • Thursday, 31.10.2019, 10:00, 8.122
    Prof. Dr. Philippe Ciarlet, City University of Hong Kong
    On a lemma of Jacques-Louis Lions

  • Thursday, 31.10.2019, 16:00,
    Prof. Dr. Paul A. Zegeling, Universität Utrecht, Niederlande
    High-resolution adaptive moving grids based on equidistribution principles

  • Thursday, 14.11.2019, 16:00,
    Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Larsson, Uppsala University, Sweden
    Recent advances in radial basis function partition of unity methods

  • Thursday, 09.01.2020, 16:00,
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Volkwein, Universität Konstanz
    Certified Reduced-Order Modeling for Multiobjective, Nonsmooth and Stochastic Optimization

  • Thursday, 13.02.2020, 16:00,
    Prof. Dr. Carola Schönlieb, University of Cambridge, UK
    Deep learning for solving inverse problems

Additional seminar talks

  • Thursday, 28.11.2019, 16:00,
    Fabian Meyer, Universität Stuttgart
    Quantifying Uncertainties in Compressible Flows
  • Monday, 24.02.2020, 14:00, Allmandring 5b, Raum 0.42
    Tim Werthmann, RWTH Aachen
    Low-rank tensor methods for the electromyographic problem
  • Thursday, 27.02.2020, 09:00, Allmandring 5b, Raum 0.42
    Alexander Gross, Universität Stuttgart
    Tiefe neuronale Netze zum Lösen stochastischer Differentialgleichungen
IANS - Seminar:
  • Thursday, 06.06.2019, 16:00
    Prof. Dr. Ivan Yotov, Dep. of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh (USA)
    A nonlinear Stokes-Biot model for the interaction of a non-Newtonian fluid with poroelastic media

  • Tuesday, 20.08.2019, 10:00
    Prof.  Taras Melnyk (National University of Kyiv)
    Asymptotic approximation for the solution to a semilinear parabolic problem in a thin graph-like junction
Additional Seminar Talks:
  • Thursday, 02.05.2019, 16:00
    Dr. Tang Hao

    Some results on mean field stochastic transport equations

  • Thursday, 06.06.2019, 17:00
    Miroslav Feistauer, Charles University (Prag)
    Numerical solution of two-phase flow by the finite element-discontinuous Galerkin method

  • Thursday, 06.06.2019, 13:00
    Dr. Briane Kane, NORCE, Bergen (Norway)
    Adaptive higher order methods for Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow Problems

  • Thursday, 27.06.2019, 16:00
    Katarina Link, Universität Stuttgart
    Multiscale modeling and simulation of transport processes and electrochemical reactions in multimaterial porous electrodes

  • Thursday, 04.07.2019, 16:00
    Martin Alkämper (Universität Stuttgart)
    Newest Vertex Bisection in Any Dimension

  • Thursday, 04.07.2019, 16:00, Allmandring 5b, R. 0.31
    Christian Gruener (Universität Stuttgart)
    Using Deep Neuronal Networks to price Rainbow and Basket Options

  • Tuesday, 16.07.2019, 13.00
    Annegret Dieterich (Universität Stuttgart)
    Discontinuous Galerkin Methode für die Minimierung der totalen Variation
IANS - Seminar:
  • Thursday, 18.10.2018, 16:00
    Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog
    (TU Chemnitz)
    An Introduction to Optimal Experimental Design with PDEs

  • Tuesday, 04.12.2018, 13:00
    Prof. Dr. Andreas Prohl (Universität Tübingen)
    Control of ferromagnetic spin ensembles in a heat bath
  • Thursday, 10.01.2019, 16:00
    Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger
    (Universität Münster)
    Localized Model Reduction: Theory and Applications
  • Thursday, 31.01.2019, 16:00
    Prof. Dr. Robert Scheichl
    (Universität Heidelberg)
    Accelerating Sampling Methods for Bayesian Inverse Problems
Additional Seminar Talks:
  • Friday, 12.10.2018, 16:00, Room 7.133
    Miriam Hengstler, MSc.
    (Universität Stuttgart)
    Zuverlässige Farbwert- und Bewegungserkennung in perspektivischen Bildern

  • Thursday, 15.11.2018, 14:00
    Yannick Kuhn, BSc. (Universität Stuttgart)
    Mikro-Makro-Modellierung für Sprays mittels eines Machine Learning-Surrogates
  • Thursday, 17.01.2019, 14:30
    Stephan Gerster (RWTH Aachen)
    Stochastic Galerkin Formulations for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

  • Thursday, 07.03.2019, 14:00 - Allmandring 5b, Room 0.42
    Robin Merkle (Universität Stuttgart)
    Weak convergence of Galerkin Finite Element approximations of Lévy SPDEs


This image shows Dominik Göddeke

Dominik Göddeke

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Head of Institute and Head of Group

This image shows Britta Lenz

Britta Lenz


Secretary's Office

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