This image shows Iryna Rybak

Iryna Rybak

Priv.-Doz. Dr.

Research assistant


Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 7.127

Office Hours

Wednesday, 11:30 - 12:30


Averaging theories and multiscale methods (homogenization, volume averaging, termodynamically constrained averaging theory, numerical upscaling, computation of effective properties)

Mathematical modelling (coupling free-flow and porous-medium systems, modelling flow and transport processes in porous media, porous-medium models with fluid-fluid interfacial area, sediment transport, mixed-dimensional models for fractured porous media)

Efficient numerical algorithms for multiphysics problems (domain decomposition, time splitting, multigrid, preconditioners, Newton-Krylov-methods, stability analysis, a priori error estimates)

Model validation and calibration (data-driven homogenisation based on neural networks, sensitivity analysis, model reduction, pore-scale modelling)

  1. 2024

    1. Strohbeck, P., Discacciati, M., Rybak, I.: Optimized Schwarz method for the Stokes-Darcy problem with generalized interface conditions. J. Comput. Phys. (submitted). (2024).
    2. Strohbeck, P., Rybak, I.: Efficient preconditioners for coupled Stokes-Darcy problems with MAC scheme: Spectral analysis and numerical study. J. Sci. Comput. (submitted). (2024).
    3. Ruan, L., Rybak, I.: Stokes-Brinkman-Darcy models for coupled fluid-porous systems: derivation, analysis and validation. Appl. Math. Comp.  (submitted). (2024).
  2. 2023

    1. Kröker, I., Oladyshkin, S., Rybak, I.: Global sensitivity analysis using multi-resolution polynomial chaos expansion for coupled Stokes-Darcy flow problems. Comput. Geosci. (2023).
    2. Miller, C.T., Gray, W.G., Kees, C.E., Rybak, I., Shepherd, B.J.: Correction to: Modelling Sediment Transport in Three-Phase Surface Water Systems. J. Hydraul. Res. 61, 168–171 (2023).
    3. Eggenweiler, E., Nickl, J., Rybak, I.: Justification of generalized interface conditions for Stokes-Darcy problems. In: Franck, E., Fuhrmann, J., Michel-Dansac, V., and Navoret, L. (eds.) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X - Volume 1, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems. pp. 275–283. Springer Nature Switzerland (2023).
    4. Eggenweiler, E., Rybak, I.: Higher-order coupling conditions for arbitrary flows in Stokes-Darcy systems. J. Fluid Mech. (submitted). (2023).
    5. Strohbeck, P., Eggenweiler, E., Rybak, I.: A modification of the Beavers-Joseph condition for arbitrary flows to the fluid-porous interface. Transp. Porous Med. 147, 605–628 (2023).
    6. Mohammadi, F., Eggenweiler, E., Flemisch, B., Oladyshkin, S., Rybak, I., Schneider, M., Weishaupt, K.: A Surrogate-Assisted Uncertainty-Aware Bayesian Validation Framework and its Application to Coupling Free Flow and Porous-Medium Flow. Comput. Geosci. (2023).
    7. Ruan, L., Rybak, I.: Stokes-Brinkman-Darcy models for coupled free-flow and porous-medium systems. In: Franck, E., Fuhrmann, J., Michel-Dansac, V., and Navoret, L. (eds.) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X - Volume 1, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems. pp. 365–373. Springer Nature Switzerland (2023).
    8. Strohbeck, P., Riethmüller, C., Göddeke, D., Rybak, I.: Robust and efficient preconditioners for Stokes-Darcy problems. In: Franck, E., Fuhrmann, J., Michel-Dansac, V., and Navoret, L. (eds.) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X - Volume 1, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems. pp. 375–383. Springer Nature Switzerland (2023).
  3. 2022

    1. Eggenweiler, E., Discacciati, M., Rybak, I.: Analysis of the Stokes-Darcy problem with generalised interface conditions. ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 56, 727–742 (2022).
  4. 2021

    1. Rybak, I., Schwarzmeier, C., Eggenweiler, E., Rüde, U.: Validation and calibration of coupled porous-medium and free-flow problems using pore-scale resolved models. Comput. Geosci. 25, 621–635 (2021).
    2. Wagner, A., Eggenweiler, E., Weinhardt, F., Trivedi, Z., Krach, D., Lohrmann, C., Jain, K., Karadimitriou, N., Bringedal, C., Voland, P., Holm, C., Class, H., Steeb, H., Rybak, I.: Permeability estimation of regular porous structures: a benchmark for comparison of methods. Transp. Porous Med. 138, 1–23 (2021).
    3. Eggenweiler, E., Rybak, I.: Effective coupling conditions for arbitrary flows in Stokes-Darcy systems. Multiscale Model. Simul. 19, 731–757 (2021).
  5. 2020

    1. Rybak, I., Metzger, S.: A dimensionally reduced Stokes-Darcy model for fluid flow in fractured porous media. Appl. Math. Comp. 384, (2020).
    2. Eggenweiler, E., Rybak, I.: Unsuitability of the Beavers-Joseph interface condition for filtration problems. J. Fluid Mech. 892, A10 (2020).
    3. Eggenweiler, E., Rybak, I.: Interface conditions for arbitrary flows in coupled porous-medium and free-flow systems. In: Klöfkorn, R., Keilegavlen, E., Radu, F., and Fuhrmann, J. (eds.) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples. pp. 345--353. Springer International Publishing (2020).
  6. 2019

    1. Miller, C.T., Gray, W.G., Kees, C.E., Rybak, I.V., Shepherd, B.J.: Modeling sediment transport in three-phase surface water systems. J. Hydraul. Res. 57, (2019).
  7. 2016

    1. Magiera, J., Rohde, C., Rybak, I.: A hyperbolic-elliptic model problem for coupled surface-subsurface  flow. Transp. Porous Media. 114, 425–455 (2016).
    2. Rybak, I., Magiera, J.: Decoupled schemes for free flow and porous medium systems. In: et al., T.D. (ed.) Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXII. pp. 613--621. Springer (2016).\_54.
  8. 2015

    1. Rybak, I.V., Gray, W.G., Miller, C.T.: Modeling two-fluid-phase flow and species transport in porous media. J. Hydrology. 521, 565--581 (2015).
    2. Rybak, I., Magiera, J., Helmig, R., Rohde, C.: Multirate time integration for coupled saturated/unsaturated porous medium and free flow systems. Comput. Geosci. 19, 299–309 (2015).
  9. 2014

    1. Rybak, I., Magiera, J.: A multiple-time-step technique for coupled free flow and porous medium  systems. J. Comput. Phys. 272, 327--342 (2014).
    2. Rybak, I.: Coupling free flow and porous medium flow systems using sharp interface  and transition region concepts. In: Fuhrmann, J., Ohlberger, M., and Rohde, C. (eds.) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII - Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems, FVCA 7. pp. 703--711. Springer (2014).
  10. 2012

    1. Jackson, A.S., Rybak, I., Helmig, R., Gray, W.G., Miller, C.T.: Thermodynamically constrained averaging theory approach for modeling  flow and transport phenomena in porous medium systems: 9. Transition  region models. Adv. Water Res. 42, 71--90 (2012).
  11. 2011

    1. Mosthaf, K., Baber, K., Flemisch, B., Helmig, R., Leijnse, A., Rybak, I., Wohlmuth, B.: A coupling concept for two-phase compositional porous-medium and  single-phase compositional free flow. Water Resour. Res. 47, W10522 (2011).
  12. 2009

    1. Ewing, R., Iliev, O., Lazarov, R., Rybak, I., Willems, J.: A simplified method for upscaling composite materials with high contrast  of the conductivity. SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 31, 2568--2586 (2009).
  13. 2008

    1. Iliev, O., Rybak, I.: On numerical upscaling for flows in heterogeneous porous media. Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 8, 60--76 (2008).
  14. 2007

    1. Ewing, R., Iliev, O., Lazarov, R., Rybak, I.: On two-level preconditioners for flow in porous media. Fraunhofer ITWM (2007).
    2. Iliev, O., Rybak, I.: On approximation property of multipoint flux approximation method. Fraunhofer ITWM (2007).
    3. Iliev, O., Rybak, I., Willems., J.: On upscaling heat conductivity for a class of industrial problems. Fraunhofer ITWM (2007).
  15. 2005

    1. Iliev, O., Rybak, I.: On numerical upscaling of flow in anisotropic porous media. In: Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 20. pp. 1162–1165 (2005).
  16. 2004

    1. Rybak, I.: Monotone and conservative difference schemes for elliptic equations  with mixed derivatives. Math. Model. Anal. 9, 169--178 (2004).
    2. Rybak, I.: Monotone and conservative difference schemes for equations with mixed  derivatives. Dokl. Akad. Navuk Belarusi. 48, 45--48 (2004).
    3. Rybak, I.: Computational dynamics of shape memory alloys. In: Proc. of Lobachevski Mathematical Center. pp. 209--218. Kazan (2004).
    4. Rybak, I.: Monotone and conservative difference schemes for nonlinear nonstationary  equations and equations with mixed derivatives, (2004).
    5. Matus, P., Melnik, R., Wang, L., Rybak, I.: Applications of fully conservative schemes in nonlinear thermoelasticity:  modelling shape memory materials. Math. Comp. Simulation. 65, 489--509 (2004).
    6. Matus, P., Rybak, I.: Difference schemes for elliptic equations with mixed derivatives. Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 4, 494--505 (2004).
    7. Rybak, I.: Monotone difference schemes for equations with mixed derivatives  in the case of boundary conditions of the third type. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Series  of Physical-Mathematical Sciences. 40, 37--42 (2004).
  17. 2003

    1. Melnik, R., Wang, L., Matus, P., Rybak, I.: Computational aspects of conservative difference schemes for shape  memory alloys applications. Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2668, 791--800 (2003).
    2. Matus, P., Rybak, I.: Monotone difference schemes for nonlinear parabolic equations. Differential Equations. 39, 1013--1022 (2003).
    3. Matus, P., Melnik, R., Rybak, I.: Fully conservative difference schemes for nonlinear models describing  dynamics of materials with shape memory. Dokl. Akad. Navuk Belarusi, 47(1):15–17, 2003. 47, 15--17 (2003).
    4. Rybak, I.: Difference schemes for nonlinear models describing dynamic behaviour  of shape memory alloys. In: Condensed State Physics: XI Republican Scientific Conference, Grodno,  Belarus, April 23�25, 2003. pp. 200–203 (2003).
Winter Term 2024/25

Mathematische Programmierung 1 BSc

Mathematische Modellierung

Summer Term 2024

Mathematische Programmierung 2 BSc

Winter Term 2023/24

Mathematische Programmierung 1 BSc

Hauptseminar: Matrix Computations

Summer Term 2023

Advanced Numerics of Partial Differential Equations

Winter Term 2022/23

Höhere Mathematik I für Ingenieurstudiengänge (Lineare Algebra und Geometrie)

Masterseminar: Multiscale modelling and numerics: how to bridge scales

Winter Term 2021/22

Mathematische Programmierung 1 BSc

Homogenization theory and computations

Numerische Mathematik 1

Summer Term 2021

Numerical methods for differential equations

Seminar: Saddle-Point Problems

Winter Term 2020/21

Mathematik 1 für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (WebEx)

Summer Term 2020

Advanced Numerics of Partial Differential Equations (WebEx)

Masterseminar: Multiskalenmodellierung in der numerischen Mathematik (WebEx)

Winter Term 2019/20

Mathematik 1 für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler

Seminar: Efficient numerical methods for large linear systems

Summer Term 2019

Numerische Lineare Algebra
Mathematische Programmierung für Lehramt

Winter Term 2018/19 Masterseminar Simulation Technology
Summer Term 2017 Numerische Lineare Algebra
Winter Term 2016/17 Numerische Fluiddynamik
Summer Term 2016 Mathematische Modellierung
Winter Term 2015/16 Numerische Verfahren für Mehrskalenprobleme
Winter Term 2014/15 Höhere Mathematik I für Ingenieurstudiengänge (Lineare Algebra und Geometrie)
Winter Term 2012/13 Poröse Medien: Modellierung, Analysis und Numerik
Summer Term 2012 Höhere Mathematik I für Ingenieurstudiengänge (Lineare Algebra und Geometrie)
Jan. 2016

Habilitation in Mathematics (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Nov. 2001 -- Nov. 2004

PhD in Physics and Mathematics (Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)

Sep. 1996 -- Jun. 2001 MSc in Applied Mathematics (Belarusian State University)
Apr. 2000 -- Jun. 2001 MSc in Economical Cybernetics (Belarusian State University)
2022-2025 Principal investigator in ANR-DFG Project FLUPOR: "Generalised Interface Conditions for Multi-Dimensional Inertial Flows in Fluid-Porous Systems" with Philippe Angot, Aix-Marseille Université (1 postdoc position for 24 months, 2 PhD positions for 36 months)
2022-2025 Principal investigator in Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1313 "Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media – Flow, Transport and Deformation'' (Phase 2), German Research Foundation (DFG), Project A03 "Development of interface concepts using averaging techniques" (1 PhD position for 48 months)
2018-2021 Principal investigator in Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1313 "Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media – Flow, Transport and Deformation'', German Research Foundation (DFG), Project A03 "Development of interface concepts using averaging techniques"
2016-2017 Eigene Stelle, ``Mathematische Modellierung und Numerik von Übergangsbereichen zwischen porösen Medien und freien Strömungen'',  DFG Projekt, RY 126/2-2
2012-2015 Eigene Stelle, ``Mathematische Modellierung und Numerik von Übergangsbereichen zwischen porösen Medien und freien Strömungen'',  DFG Projekt, RY 126/2-1
2007-2009 Project participant, ``Development of multilevel algorithms for simulation of fluid flows in porous media'', Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research, F07MS-054
2004-2007 Project participant, ``Hydrogeological and geo-environmental simulations: a contribution to the algorithms and advanced applications'', INTAS-03-50-4395
2004-2006 Principal investigator, ``Development of monotone and conservative difference schemes for problems of mathematical physics with mixed derivatives'', Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research, F04M-136
  • Advances in Computational Mathematics
  • Advances in Water Resources (Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, 2013)
  • Applied Mathematics and Computation
  • Applied Mathematical Modelling
  • Applied Numerical Mathematics
  • Computational and Applied Mathematics
  • Computational Geosciences
  • Computers and Mathematics with Applications
  • Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
  • Geofluids
  • IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
  • International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
  • Journal of Computational Physics
  • Journal of Hydraulic Research
  • Journal of Hydrology
  • Journal of Porous Media
  • Journal of Scientific Computing
  • Mathematics of Computation
  • Mathematical Reviews
  • Nonlinearity
  • Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
  • SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
  • Transport in Porous Media
  • Water Resources Research

Postdoctoral Researchers:
    Elissa Eggenweiler

Ph.D. Students:

    Linheng Ruan
    Paula Strohbeck
   Joscha Nickl (Aix-Marseille-Université, France)

Master Students:
    Sven Kahle
    Maurice Wolf

PhD theses:

  • P. Strohbeck: Development of interface concepts using averaging techniques
    since November 2022
  • J. Nickl: Generalised interface conditions for multi-dimensional inertial flows in fluid-porous systems: mathematical analysis and model validation (Aix-Marseille Universite, France), since October 2022
  • L. Ruan: Generalised interface conditions for multi-dimensional inertial
    flows in fluid-porous systems: mathematical modelling and numerical analysis, since May 2022
  • E. Eggenweiler: Interface conditions for arbitrary flows in Stokes-Darcy systems: derivation, analysis and validation (defended 2022)

Master theses:

  • S. Kahle: Data-driven homogenization and boundary layer theory based on neural networks, 2023
  • M. Wolf: Data-driven homogenization for two-phase flows in porous media, 2023
  • P. Strohbeck: Efficient preconditioners for Stokes-Darcy problems, 2022
  • N. Nutsch: Optical flow methods for PIV analysis in
    fractured porous media, 2022
  • J. Nickl: Generalised interface conditions for Stokes–Darcy problems
    with symmetric stress tensor, 2022
  • A. Baric: Boundary layers for coupled problems in porous media, 2019
  • Y. Öztürk: Upscaling of capillary network structures, 2018

Bachelor theses:

  • F. Castor: Preconditioners for saddle point problems in fluid dynamics, 2021
  • S. Kahle: Stochastic gradient descent for image registration, 2021
  • M. Wolf: Data-driven homogenization based on neural networks for permeability estimation, 2020
  • P. Strohbeck: Optimization of sharp interface location for coupled porous-medium and free-flow systems, 2020
  • N. Nutsch: Numerical optimization methods for image registration with mutual information, 2020
  • A.-K. Kapfenstein: Numerical optimization algorithms for image registration, 2020
  • J. Flad: Image Registration using Mutual Information, 2019
  • T. Schwaderer: Krylov subspace methods for diffusion equations with
    discontinuous coefficients, 2019
  • L. Ruan: Newton-Krylov Methods for Porous Media Flows, 2019
  • A. Savanovic: Efficient numerical methods for ill-conditioned linear
    systems, 2019
  • L. Igel: Numerical methods for equilibrium and kinetic models, 2018
  • D. Beyer: Newton-Krylov methods for unsaturated flows in porous media, 2018
  • S. Özkan: Homogenisation of flow and transport in porous media, 2018
  • S. Matskevich: Mathematical modelling of filtration processes, 2018
  • E. Eggenweiler: Mathematical modelling of flows in fractured porous media,
  • A. Baric: Mathematical modelling of coupled free and subsurface water
    flow, 2017
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