This image shows Elissa Eggenweiler

Elissa Eggenweiler

Dr. rer. nat.

Research assistant
Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation
Chair of Applied Mathematics


Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 7.149


  • Homogenisation and boundary layer theory
  • Coupling free-flow and porous-medium systems
  • Numerical simulations of multiscale problems
  1. 2023

    1. Eggenweiler, E., Nickl, J., Rybak, I.: Justification of generalized interface conditions for Stokes-Darcy problems. In: Franck, E., Fuhrmann, J., Michel-Dansac, V., and Navoret, L. (eds.) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X - Volume 1, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems. pp. 275–283. Springer Nature Switzerland (2023).
    2. Eggenweiler, E., Rybak, I.: Higher-order coupling conditions for arbitrary flows in Stokes-Darcy systems. J. Fluid Mech. (submitted). (2023).
    3. Strohbeck, P., Eggenweiler, E., Rybak, I.: A modification of the Beavers-Joseph condition for arbitrary flows to the fluid-porous interface. Transp. Porous Med. 147, 605–628 (2023).
    4. Mohammadi, F., Eggenweiler, E., Flemisch, B., Oladyshkin, S., Rybak, I., Schneider, M., Weishaupt, K.: A Surrogate-Assisted Uncertainty-Aware Bayesian Validation Framework and its Application to Coupling Free Flow and Porous-Medium Flow. Comput. Geosci. (2023).
  2. 2022

    1. Eggenweiler, E., Discacciati, M., Rybak, I.: Analysis of the Stokes-Darcy problem with generalised interface conditions. ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 56, 727–742 (2022).
    2. Eggenweiler, E.: Interface conditions for arbitrary flows in Stokes-Darcy systems : derivation, analysis and validation,, (2022).
  3. 2021

    1. Rybak, I., Schwarzmeier, C., Eggenweiler, E., Rüde, U.: Validation and calibration of coupled porous-medium and free-flow problems using pore-scale resolved models. Comput. Geosci. 25, 621–635 (2021).
    2. Wagner, A., Eggenweiler, E., Weinhardt, F., Trivedi, Z., Krach, D., Lohrmann, C., Jain, K., Karadimitriou, N., Bringedal, C., Voland, P., Holm, C., Class, H., Steeb, H., Rybak, I.: Permeability estimation of regular porous structures: a benchmark for comparison of methods. Transp. Porous Med. 138, 1–23 (2021).
    3. Eggenweiler, E., Rybak, I.: Effective coupling conditions for arbitrary flows in Stokes-Darcy systems. Multiscale Model. Simul. 19, 731–757 (2021).
  4. 2020

    1. Eggenweiler, E., Rybak, I.: Unsuitability of the Beavers-Joseph interface condition for filtration problems. J. Fluid Mech. 892, A10 (2020).
    2. Eggenweiler, E., Rybak, I.: Interface conditions for arbitrary flows in coupled porous-medium and free-flow systems. In: Klöfkorn, R., Keilegavlen, E., Radu, F., and Fuhrmann, J. (eds.) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples. pp. 345--353. Springer International Publishing (2020).
2018 B.Sc. Mathematics, University of Stuttgart

State Examination for Grammar School Teaching Qualification (Mathematics & Biology), University of Stuttgart

2018-2022 Doctoral researcher, University of Stuttgart
Thesis: Interface Conditions for Arbitrary Flows in Stokes–Darcy Systems: Derivation, Analysis and Validation
since 2023 Postdoctoral researcher, University of Stuttgart

Project participant in Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1313 "Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media – Flow, Transport and Deformation'', German Research Foundation (DFG), Project A03 "Development of interface concepts using averaging techniques", 2018-2021

Project participant in ANR-DFG Project FLUPOR: "Generalised Interface Conditions for Multi-Dimensional Inertial Flows in Fluid-Porous Systems", 2022-2025

  • Preis der Freunde der Mathematik für herausragenden Lehramtsabschluss 2018
    (prize for outstanding state examination at the University of Stuttgart)
  • IMA prize for extraordinary results during the Graduate Modelling Camp 2019 at the University of Oxford
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