This image shows Michele Nottoli

Michele Nottoli


Postdoc, research assistant
Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation
Numerical Mathematics for High Performance Computing


+49 711 685 65543
+49 711 685 65507

Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 7.155

Office Hours

Thursday, 02:00 - 03:00 pm

  1. Bondanza, M., Nottoli, T., Nottoli, M., Cupellini, L., Lipparini, F., & Mennucci, B. (2024). The OpenMMPol library for polarizable QM/MM calculations of properties and dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160(13), Article 13.
  2. Nottoli, M., Herbst, M. F., Mikhalev, A., Jha, A., Lipparini, F., & Stamm, B. (2024). Replication Data for: “ddX: Polarizable Continuum Solvation from Small Molecules to Proteins.” DaRUS.
  3. Nottoli, M., Bondanza, M., Mazzeo, P., Cupellini, L., Curutchet, C., Loco, D., Lagardère, L., Piquemal, J., Mennucci, B., & Lipparini, F. (2023). QM/AMOEBA description of properties and dynamics of embedded molecules. WIREs Computational Molecular Science, 13(6), Article 6.
  4. Jha, A., Nottoli, M., Mikhalev, A., Quan, C., & Stamm, B. (2023). Linear Scaling Computation of Forces for the Domain-Decomposition Linear Poisson--Boltzmann Method. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158, 104105.
  5. Nottoli, M., Mikhalev, A., Stamm, B., & Lipparini, F. (2022). Coarse-Graining ddCOSMO through an Interface between Tinker and the ddX Library. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126(43), Article 43.
  6. Mikhalev, A., Nottoli, M., & Stamm, B. (2022). Linearly scaling computation of ddPCM solvation energy and forces using the fast multipole method. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157(11), Article 11.
  7. Nottoli, M., Mazzeo, P., Lipparini, F., Cupellini, L., & Mennucci, B. (2022). A ΔSCF model for excited states within a polarisable embedding. Molecular Physics.
  8. Mancini, G., Fusè, M., Lipparini, F., Nottoli, M., Scalmani, G., & Barone, V. (2022). Molecular Dynamics Simulations Enforcing Nonperiodic Boundary Conditions: New Developments and Application to the Solvent Shifts of Nitroxide Magnetic Parameters. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 18(4), Article 4.
  9. Nottoli, M. (2022). Fast and Accurate Multilayer Polarizable Embedding Strategies for the Static and Dynamic Modeling of Complex Systems.
  10. Nottoli, M., Nifosì, R., Mennucci, B., & Lipparini, F. (2021). Energy,  Structures,  and Response Properties with a Fully Coupled QM/AMOEBA/ddCOSMO Implementation. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 17(9), Article 9.
  11. Macaluso, V., Hashem, S., Nottoli, M., Lipparini, F., Cupellini, L., & Mennucci, B. (2021). Ultrafast Transient Infrared Spectroscopy of Photoreceptors with Polarizable QM/MM Dynamics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125(36), Article 36.
  12. Nottoli, M., Bondanza, M., Lipparini, F., & Mennucci, B. (2021). An enhanced sampling QM/AMOEBA approach: The case of the excited state intramolecular proton transfer in solvated 3-hydroxyflavone. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154(18), Article 18.
  13. Nottoli, M., Cupellini, L., Lipparini, F., Granucci, G., & Mennucci, B. (2021). Multiscale Models for Light-Driven Processes. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 72(1), Article 1.
  14. Hashem, S., Macaluso, V., Nottoli, M., Lipparini, F., Cupellini, L., & Mennucci, B. (2021). From crystallographic data to the solution structure of photoreceptors: the case of the AppA BLUF domain. Chemical Science, 12(40), Article 40.
  15. Nottoli, M., & Lipparini, F. (2020). General formulation of polarizable embedding models and of their coupling. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153(22), Article 22.
  16. Cupellini, L., Bondanza, M., Nottoli, M., & Mennucci, B. (2020). Successes & challenges in the atomistic modeling of light-harvesting and its photoregulation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1861(4), Article 4.
  17. Nottoli, M., Mennucci, B., & Lipparini, F. (2020). Excited state Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics through coupling between time dependent DFT and AMOEBA. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(35), Article 35.
  18. Bondanza, M., Nottoli, M., Cupellini, L., Lipparini, F., & Mennucci, B. (2020). Polarizable embedding QM/MM: the future gold standard for complex (bio)systems? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(26), Article 26.
  19. Nottoli, M., Stamm, B., Scalmani, G., & Lipparini, F. (2019). Quantum Calculations in Solution of Energies,  Structures,  and Properties with a Domain Decomposition Polarizable Continuum Model. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 15(11), Article 11.
  20. Ramos, F. C., Nottoli, M., Cupellini, L., & Mennucci, B. (2019). The molecular mechanisms of light adaption in light-harvesting complexes of purple bacteria revealed by a multiscale modeling. Chemical Science, 10(42), Article 42.
  21. Nottoli, M., Jurinovich, S., Cupellini, L., Gardiner, A. T., Cogdell, R., & Mennucci, B. (2018). The role of charge-transfer states in the spectral tuning of antenna complexes of purple bacteria. Photosynthesis Research, 137(2), Article 2.
  • 10/2022-: Postdoc in numerical mathematics at Universität Stuttgart, with Benjamin Stamm
  • 03/2022-09/2022: Postdoc in theoretical chemistry at Università di Pisa, with Filippo Lipparini and Benedetta Mennucci
  • 02/2022: PhD in theoretical chemistry at Università di Pisa, with Filippo Lipparini and Benedetta Mennucci
  • 10/2018: Master's degree in physical chemistry at Università di Pisa
  • 12/2016: Bachelor degree in chemistry at Università di Pisa
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