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70569 Stuttgart
Room: 7.131
Office Hours
Fridays 1:30 - 2:30 pm and by appointment
- Alkämper, M., Magiera, J., Rohde, C.: An Interface-Preserving Moving Mesh in Multiple Space Dimensions. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 50, (2024).
- Ghosh, T., Bringedal, C., Rohde, C., Helmig, R.: A phase-field approach to model evaporation from porous media: Modeling and upscaling,, (2024).
- Huang, Q., Rohde, C., Yong, W.-A., Zhang, R.: A hyperbolic relaxation system of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with artificial compressibility,, (2024).
- Hörl, M., Rohde, C.: Rigorous Derivation of Discrete Fracture Models for Darcy Flow in the Limit of Vanishing Aperture. Netw. Heterog. Media. 19, 114–156 (2024).
- Keim, J., Konan, H.-C., Rohde, C.: A Note on Hyperbolic Relaxation of the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard system for incompressible two-phase flow,, (2024).
- Lukácová-Medvid’ová, M., Rohde, C.: Mathematical Challenges for the Theory of Hyperbolic Balance Laws in Fluid Mechanics: Complexity, Scales, Randomness, (2024).
- Magiera, J., Rohde, C.: A Multiscale Method for Two-Component, Two-Phase Flow with a Neural Network Surrogate. Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation. (2024).
- Mel’nyk, T., Rohde, C.: Asymptotic expansion for convection-dominated transport in a thin graph-like junction. Analysis and Applications. 22 (05), 833–879 (2024).
- Mel’nyk, T., Rohde, C.: Asymptotic approximations for semilinear parabolic convection-dominated transport problems in thin graph-like networks. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 529, Paper No. 127587, 35 (2024).
- Mel’nyk, T., Rohde, C.: Reduced-dimensional modelling for nonlinear convection-dominated flow in cylindric domains. Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 31:105, (2024).
- Mel’nyk, T., Rohde, C.: Puiseux asymptotic expansions for convection-dominated transport problems in thin graph-like networks: strong boundary interactions. Asymptotic Analysis. 137, 27–52 (2024).
- Mel’nyk, T., Rohde, C.: Muskat-Leverett two-phase flow in thin cylindric porous media: Asymptotic approach,, (2024).
- Miao, Y., Rohde, C., Tang, H.: Well-posedness for a stochastic Camassa-Holm type equation with higher order nonlinearities. Stoch. Partial Differ. Equ. Anal. Comput. 12, 614–674 (2024).
- Schollenberger, T., von Wolff, L., Bringedal, C., Pop, I.S., Rohde, C., Helmig, R.: Investigation of Different Throat Concepts for Precipitation Processes in Saturated Pore-Network Models. Transport in Porous Media. (2024).
- Burbulla, S., Formaggia, L., Rohde, C., Scotti, A.: Modeling fracture propagation in poro-elastic media combining phase-field and discrete fracture models. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 403, (2023).
- Burbulla, S., Hörl, M., Rohde, C.: Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 45, A1519–A1544 (2023).
- Gander, M.J., Lunowa, S.B., Rohde, C.: Non-Overlapping Schwarz Waveform-Relaxation for Nonlinear Advection-Diffusion Equations. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 45, A49–A73 (2023).
- Gander, M.J., Lunowa, S.B., Rohde, C.: Consistent and Asymptotic-Preserving Finite-Volume Robin Transmission Conditions for Singularly Perturbed Elliptic Equations. In: Brenner, S.C., Chung, E., Klawonn, A., Kwok, F., Xu, J., and Zou, J. (eds.) Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI. pp. 443--450. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2023).
- Keim, J., Schwarz, A., Chiocchetti, S., Rohde, C., Beck, A.: A Reinforcement Learning Based Slope Limiter for Two-Dimensional Finite Volume Schemes. (2023).
- Keim, J., Munz, C.-D., Rohde, C.: A Relaxation Model for the Non-Isothermal Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations in Confined Domains. J. Comput. Phys. 474, 111830 (2023).
- Seus, D., Radu, F.A., Rohde, C.: Towards hybrid two-phase modelling using linear domain decomposition. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations. 39, 622–656 (2023).
- Burbulla, S., Dedner, A., Hörl, M., Rohde, C.: Dune-MMesh: The Dune Grid Module for Moving Interfaces. J. Open Source Softw. 7, 3959 (2022).
- Burbulla, S., Rohde, C.: A finite-volume moving-mesh method for two-phase flow in fracturing porous media. J. Comput. Phys. 111031 (2022).
- Magiera, J., Rohde, C.: A molecular–continuum multiscale model for inviscid liquid–vapor flow with sharp interfaces. J. Comput. Phys. 111551 (2022).
- Magiera, J., Rohde, C.: Analysis and Numerics of Sharp and Diffuse Interface Models for Droplet Dynamics. In: Schulte, K., Tropea, C., and Weigand, B. (eds.) Droplet Dynamics under Extreme Ambient Conditions. Springer International Publishing (2022).
- Massa, F., Ostrowski, L., Bassi, F., Rohde, C.: An artificial Equation of State based Riemann solver for a discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. J. Comput. Phys. 110705 (2022).
- Alonso-Orán, D., Rohde, C., Tang, H.: A local-in-time theory for singular SDEs with applications to fluid models with transport noise. J. Nonlinear Sci. 31, Paper No. 98, 55 (2021).
- Beck, A., Dürrwächter, J., Kuhn, T., Meyer, F., Munz, C.-D., Rohde, C.: Uncertainty Quantification in High Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics. In: Nagel, W.E., Kröner, D.H., and Resch, M.M. (eds.) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’19. pp. 355--371. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2021).
- Dürrwächter, J., Meyer, F., Kuhn, T., Beck, A., Munz, C.-D., Rohde, C.: A high-order stochastic Galerkin code for the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. Computers & Fluids. 228, 1850044, 20 (2021).
- Gander, M., Lunowa, S., Rohde, C.: Consistent and asymptotic-preserving finite-volume domain decomposition methods for singularly perturbed elliptic equations. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Eng., Springer, Cham (2021).
- Giesselmann, J., Meyer, F., Rohde, C.: Error control for statistical solutions of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Calcolo. 58, Paper No. 23, 29 (2021).
- Rohde, C., Tang, H.: On the stochastic Dullin-Gottwald-Holm equation: global existence and wave-breaking phenomena. NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 28, Paper No. 5, 34 (2021).
- Rohde, C., Tang, H.: On a stochastic Camassa-Holm type equation with higher order nonlinearities. J. Dynam. Differential Equations. 33, 1823–1852 (2021).
- Rohde, C., Von Wolff, L.: A ternary Cahn–Hilliard–Navier–Stokes model for two-phase flow with precipitation and dissolution. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 31, 1–35 (2021).
- von Wolff, L., Weinhardt, F., Class, H., Hommel, J., Rohde, C.: Investigation of Crystal Growth in Enzymatically Induced Calcite Precipitation by Micro-Fluidic Experimental Methods and Comparison with Mathematical Modeling. Transp. Porous Media. 137, 327--343 (2021).
- Armiti-Juber, A., Rohde, C.: On the well-posedness of a nonlinear fourth-order extension of Richards’ equation. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 487, 124005 (2020).
- Beck, A., Dürrwächter, J., Kuhn, T., Meyer, F., Munz, C.-D., Rohde, C.: $hp$-Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for uncertainty quantification of compressible flows. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 42, B1067–B1091 (2020).
- Burbulla, S., Rohde, C.: A fully conforming finite volume approach to two-phase flow in fractured porous media. In: Klöfkorn, R., Keilegavlen, E., Radu, F.A., and Fuhrmann, J. (eds.) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples. pp. 547–555. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2020).
- Giesselmann, J., Meyer, F., Rohde, C.: An a posteriori error analysis based on non-intrusive spectral projections for systems of random conservation laws. In: Bressan, A., Lewicka, M., Wang, D., and Zheng, Y. (eds.) Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems 2018. pp. 449–456. AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics (2020).
- Giesselmann, J., Meyer, F., Rohde, C.: A posteriori error analysis and adaptive non-intrusive numerical schemes for systems of random conservation laws. BIT Numer. Math. (2020).
- Giesselmann, J., Meyer, F., Rohde, C.: A posteriori error analysis for random scalar conservation laws using the Stochastic Galerkin method. IMA J. Numer. Anal. 40, 1094–1121 (2020).
- Hitz, T., Keim, J., Munz, C.-D., Rohde, C.: A parabolic relaxation model for the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations. J. Comput. Phys. 421, 109714 (2020).
- Magiera, J., Ray, D., Hesthaven, J.S., Rohde, C.: Constraint-aware neural networks for Riemann problems. J. Comput. Phys. 409, (2020).
- Ostrowski, L., Massa, F.C., Rohde, C.: A phase field approach to compressible droplet impingement. In: Lamanna, G., Tonini, S., Cossali, G.E., and Weigand, B. (eds.) Droplet Interactions and Spray Processes. pp. 113–126. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2020).
- Ostrowski, L., Rohde, C.: Compressible multicomponent flow in porous media with Maxwell-Stefan diffusion. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 43, 4200–4221 (2020).
- Ostrowski, L., Rohde, C.: Phase field modelling for compressible droplet impingement. In: Bressan, A., Lewicka, M., Wang, D., and Zheng, Y. (eds.) Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems 2018. pp. 586–593. AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics (2020).
- Rohde, C., von Wolff, L.: Homogenization of non-local Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations for compressible liquid-vapour flow in porous media. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 52, 6155–6179 (2020).
- Armiti-Juber, A., Rohde, C.: On Darcy-and Brinkman-type models for two-phase flow in asymptotically flat domains. Comput. Geosci. 23, 285–303 (2019).
- Armiti-Juber, A., Rohde, C.: Existence of weak solutions for a nonlocal pseudo-parabolic model for Brinkman two-phase flow in asymptotically flat porous media. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 477, 592–612 (2019).
- Colombo, R.M., LeFloch, P.G., Rohde, C., Trivisa, K.: Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: Modeling, Analysis, and Numerics. Oberwohlfach Rep. 1419–1497 (2019).
- Kuhn, T., Dürrwächter, J., Meyer, F., Beck, A., Rohde, C., Munz, C.-D.: Uncertainty quantification for direct aeroacoustic simulations of cavity flows. J. Theor. Comput. Acoust. 27, 1850044, 20 (2019).
- Köppel, M., Franzelin, F., Kröker, I., Oladyshkin, S., Santin, G., Wittwar, D., Barth, A., Haasdonk, B., Nowak, W., Pflüger, D., Rohde, C.: Comparison of data-driven uncertainty quantification methods for a carbon dioxide storage benchmark scenario. Comput. Geosci. 2, 339–354 (2019).
- Seus, D., Radu, F.A., Rohde, C.: A linear domain decomposition method for two-phase flow in porous media. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2017. 603–614 (2019).
- Sharanya, V., Sekhar, G.P.R., Rohde, C.: Surfactant-induced migration of a spherical droplet in non-isothermal Stokes flow. Physics of Fluids. 31, 012110 (2019).
- Chalons, C., Magiera, J., Rohde, C., Wiebe, M.: A finite-volume tracking scheme for two-phase compressible flow. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 309--322 (2018).
- Fechter, S., Munz, C.-D., Rohde, C., Zeiler, C.: Approximate Riemann solver for compressible liquid vapor flow with phase transition and surface tension. Comput. & Fluids. 169, 169–185 (2018).
- Magiera, J., Rohde, C.: A particle-based multiscale solver for compressible liquid-vapor flow. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 291--304 (2018).
- Raja Sekhar, G.P., Sharanya, V., Rohde, C.: Effect of surfactant concentration and interfacial slip on the flow past a viscous drop at low surface Péclet number. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 107, 82–103 (2018).
- Rohde, C., Zeiler, C.: On Riemann solvers and kinetic relations for isothermal two-phase flows with surface tension. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 69, Art. 76 (2018).
- Rohde, C.: Fully resolved compressible two-phase flow : modelling, analytical and numerical issues. In: Bulicek, M., Feireisl, E., and Pokorný, M. (eds.) New trends and results in mathematical description of fluid flows. pp. 115–181. Birkhäuser, Basel (2018).
- Seus, D., Mitra, K., Pop, I.S., Radu, F.A., Rohde, C.: A linear domain decomposition method for partially saturated flow in porous media. Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 333, 331--355 (2018).
- Seus, D., Pop, I.S., Rohde, C., Mitra, K., Radu, F.: A linear domain decompostition method for partially saturated flow in porous media. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 333, 331–355 (2018).
- Sharanya, V., Sekhar, G.P.R., Rohde, C.: The low surface Péclet number regime for surfactant-laden viscous droplets: Influence of surfactant concentration, interfacial slip effects and cross migration. Int. J. of Multiph. Flow. 82–103 (2018).
- Chalons, C., Rohde, C., Wiebe, M.: A finite volume method for undercompressive shock waves in two space dimensions. ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 51, 1987–2015 (2017).
- Fechter, S., Munz, C.-D., Rohde, C., Zeiler, C.: A sharp interface method for compressible liquid-vapor flow with phase transition and surface tension. J. Comput. Phys. 336, 347–374 (2017).
- Kutter, M., Rohde, C., Sändig, A.-M.: Well-posedness of a two scale model for liquid phase epitaxy with elasticity. Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 29, 989–1016 (2017).
- Köppel, M., Franzelin, F., Kröker, I., Oladyshkin, S., Santin, G., Wittwar, D., Barth, A., Haasdonk, B., Nowak, W., Pflüger, D., Rohde, C.: Comparison of data-driven uncertainty quantification methods for a carbon dioxide storage benchmark scenario. University of Stuttgart (2017).
- Köppel, M., Franzelin, F., Kröker, I., Oladyshkin, S., Wittwar, D., Santin, G., Barth, A., Haasdonk, B., Nowak, W., Pflüger, D., Rohde, C.: Datasets and executables of data-driven uncertainty quantification benchmark in carbon dioxide storage,, (2017).
- Köppel, M., Kröker, I., Rohde, C.: Intrusive Uncertainty Quantification for Hyperbolic-Elliptic Systems Governing Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media. Comput. Geosci. 21, 807–832 (2017).
- Barth, A., Bürger, R., Kröker, I., Rohde, C.: Computational uncertainty quantification for a clarifier-thickener model with several random perturbations: A hybrid stochastic Galerkin approach. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 89, 11-- 26 (2016).
- Betancourt, F., Rohde, C.: Finite-Volume Schemes for Friedrichs Systems with Involutions. App. Math. Comput. 272, Part 2, 420–439 (2016).
- Colombo, R.M., LeFloch, P.G., Rohde, C.: Hyperbolic techniques in Modelling, Analysis and Numerics. Oberwolfach Reports. 13, 1683–1751 (2016).
- Diehl, D., Kremser, J., Kröner, D., Rohde, C.: Numerical solution of Navier-Stokes-Korteweg systems by local discontinuous Galerkin methods in multiple space dimensions. Appl. Math. Comput. 272, 309–335 (2016).
- Diehl, D., Kremser, J., Kröner, D., Rohde, C.: Numerical solution of Navier-Stokes-Korteweg systems by local discontinuous Galerkin methods in multiple space dimensions. Appl. Math. Comput. 272, 309–335 (2016).
- Dragomirescu, F.I., Eisenschmidt, K., Rohde, C., Weigand, B.: Perturbation solutions for the finite radially symmetric Stefan problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES. 104, 386–395 (2016).
- Dragomirescu, I., Eisenschmidt, K., Rohde, C., Weigand, B.: Perturbation solutions for the finite radially symmetric Stefan problem. Inter. J. Thermal Sci. 104, 386–395 (2016).
- Dumbser, M., Gassner, G., Rohde, C., Roller, S.: Preface to the special issue ``Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations’’. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION. 272, 235–236 (2016).
- Kabil, B., Rohde, C.: Persistence of undercompressive phase boundaries for isothermal Euler equations including configurational forces and surface tension. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 39, 5409--5426 (2016).
- Köppel, M., Rohde, C.: Uncertainty Quantification for Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media. PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16, 749–750 (2016).
- Magiera, J., Rohde, C., Rybak, I.: A hyperbolic-elliptic model problem for coupled surface-subsurface flow. Transp. Porous Media. 114, 425–455 (2016).
- Redeker, M., Pop, I.S., Rohde, C.: Upscaling of a Tri-Phase Phase-Field Model for Precipitation in Porous Media. IMA J. Appl. Math. 81(5), 898–939 (2016).
- Sharanya, V., Raja Sekhar, G.P., Rohde, C.: Bed of polydisperse viscous spherical drops under thermocapillary effects. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 67, 101 (2016).
- Kissling, F., Rohde, C.: The Computation of Nonclassical Shock Waves in Porous Media with a Heterogeneous Multiscale Method: The Multidimensional Case. Multiscale Model. Simul. 13 no. 4, 1507–1541 (2015).
- Kroeker, I., Nowak, W., Rohde, C.: A stochastically and spatially adaptive parallel scheme for uncertain and nonlinear two-phase flow problems. COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES. 19, 269–284 (2015).
- Kröker, I., Nowak, W., Rohde, C.: A stochastically and spatially adaptive parallel scheme for uncertain and nonlinear two-phase flow problems. Comput. Geosci. 19, 269--284 (2015).
- Neusser, J., Rohde, C., Schleper, V.: Relaxation of the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations for Compressible Two-Phase Flow with Phase Transition. J. Numer. Methods Fluids. 79, 615–639 (2015).
- Neusser, J., Rohde, C., Schleper, V.: Relaxed Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations for compressible two-phase flow with phase transition. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids. 79, 615–639 (2015).
- Rohde, C., Zeiler, C.: A relaxation Riemann solver for compressible two-phase flow with phase transition and surface tension. Appl. Numer. Math. 95, 267--279 (2015).
- Rybak, I., Magiera, J., Helmig, R., Rohde, C.: Multirate time integration for coupled saturated/unsaturated porous medium and free flow systems. Comput. Geosci. 19, 299–309 (2015).
- Armiti-Juber, A., Rohde, C.: Almost Parallel Flows in Porous Media. In: Fuhrmann, J., Ohlberger, M., and Rohde, C. (eds.) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems. pp. 873–881. Springer International Publishing (2014).
- Bürger, R., Kröker, I., Rohde, C.: A hybrid stochastic Galerkin method for uncertainty quantification applied to a conservation law modelling a clarifier-thickener unit. ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 94, 793–817 (2014).
- Chalons, C., Engel, P., Rohde, C.: A Conservative and Convergent Scheme for Undercompressive Shock Waves. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 52, 554–579 (2014).
- Corli, A., Rohde, C., Schleper, V.: Parabolic approximations of diffusive-dispersive equations. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 414, 773–798 (2014).
- Ehlers, W., Helmig, R., Rohde, C.: Editorial: Deformation and transport phenomena in porous media. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 94, 559--559 (2014).
- Engel, P., Viorel, A., Rohde, C.: A Low-Order Approximation for Viscous-Capillary Phase Transition Dynamics. Port. Math. 70, 319–344 (2014).
- Fechter, S., Zeiler, C., Munz, C.-D., Rohde, C.: Simulation of compressible multi-phase flows at extreme ambient conditions using a Discontinuous-Galerkin method. In: ILASS Europe, 26th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (2014).
- Kabil, B., Rohde, C.: The influence of surface tension and configurational forces on the stability of liquid-vapor interfaces. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 107, 63–75 (2014).
- Köppel, M., Kröker, I., Rohde, C.: Stochastic Modeling for Heterogeneous Two-Phase Flow. In: Fuhrmann, J., Ohlberger, M., and Rohde, C. (eds.) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Methods and Theoretical Aspects. pp. 353–361. Springer International Publishing (2014).
- Eck, Ch., Kutter, M., Sändig, A.-M., Rohde, Ch.: A two scale model for liquid phase epitaxy with elasticity: An iterative procedure. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 93, 745--761 (2013).
- Eisenschmidt, K., Rauschenberger, P., Rohde, C., Weigand, B.: Modelling of freezing processes in super-cooled droplets on sub-grid scale. In: ILASS�Europe, 25th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (2013).
- Rohde, C., Wang, W., Xie, F.: Hyperbolic-hyperbolic relaxation limit for a 1D compressible radiation hydrodynamics model: superposition of rarefaction and contact waves. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 12, 2145--2171 (2013).
- Rohde, C., Wang, W., Xie, F.: Decay Rates to Viscous Contact Waves for a 1D Compressible Radiation Hydrodynamics Model. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 23, 441--469 (2013).
- Chalons, C., Coquel, F., Engel, P., Rohde, C.: Fast Relaxation Solvers for Hyperbolic-Elliptic Phase Transition Problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 34, A1753--A1776 (2012).
- Corli, A., Rohde, C.: Singular limits for a parabolic-elliptic regularization of scalar conservation laws. J. Differential Equations. 253, 1399--1421 (2012).
- Dreyer, W., Giesselmann, J., Kraus, C., Rohde, C.: Asymptotic Analysis for Korteweg Models. Interfaces Free Bound. 14, 105–143 (2012).
- Engel, P., Rohde, C.: On the Space-Time Expansion Discontinuous Galerkin Method. In: Li, T. and Jiang, S. (eds.) Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications. pp. 406--414 (2012).
- Jaegle, F., Rohde, C., Zeiler, C.: A multiscale method for compressible liquid-vapor flow with surface tension. ESAIM: Proc. 38, 387–408 (2012).
- Kissling, F., Helmig, R., Rohde, C.: Simulation of Infiltration Processes in the Unsaturated Zone Using a Multi-Scale Approach. Vadose Zone J. 11, (2012).
- Kissling, F., Rohde, C.: Numerical Simulation of Nonclassical Shock Waves in Porous Media with a Heterogeneous Multiscale Method. In: Li, T. and Jiang, S. (eds.) Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications. pp. 469--478 (2012).
- Kröker, I., Rohde, C.: Finite volume schemes for hyperbolic balance laws with multiplicative noise. Appl. Numer. Math. 62, 441--456 (2012).
- Richter, T., Rudlof, S., Adjibadji, B., Bernlöhr, H., Gröninger, C., Munz, C.-D., Stock, A., Rohde, C., Helmig, R.: ViPLab: a virtual programming laboratory for mathematics and engineering. Interactive Technology and Smart Education. 9, 246–262 (2012).
- Rohde, C., Xie, F.: Global existence and blowup phenomenon for a 1D radiation hydrodynamics model problem. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 35, 564--573 (2012).
- Bürger, R., Kröker, I., Rohde, C.: Uncertainty quantification for a clarifier-thickener model with random feed. In: Finite volumes for complex applications. VI. Problems & perspectives. Volume 1, 2. pp. 195--203. Springer (2011).
- Richter, Th., Rudlof, S., Adjibadji, B., Berlohr, H., Gruninger, Ch., Munz, C.-D., Rohde, Ch., Helmig, R.: ViPLab - A Virtual Programming Laboratory for Mathematics and Engineering. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia. pp. 537--542. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA (2011).
- Kissling, F., Rohde, C.: The Computation of Nonclassical Shock Waves with a Heterogeneous Multiscale Method. Netw. Heterog. Media. 5, 661--674 (2010).
- Rohde, C.: A local and low-order Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system. In: Nonlinear partial differential equations and hyperbolic wave phenomena. pp. 315--337. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI (2010).
- Kissling, F., LeFloch, P.G., Rohde, C.: A Kinetic Decomposition for Singular Limits of non-local Conservation Laws. J. Differential Equations. 247, 3338--3356 (2009).
- Dressel, A., Rohde, C.: Global existence and uniqueness of solutions for a viscoelastic two-phase model. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 57, 717--755 (2008).
- Dressel, A., Rohde, C.: A finite-volume approach to liquid-vapour fluids with phase transition. In: Finite volumes for complex applications V. pp. 53--68. ISTE, London (2008).
- Haink, J., Rohde, C.: Local discontinuous-Galerkin schemes for model problems in phase transition theory. Commun. Comput. Phys. 4, 860–893 (2008).
- Rohde, C., Tiemann, N., Yong, W.-A.: Weak and classical solutions for a model problem in radiation hydrodynamics. In: Hyperbolic problems: theory, numerics, applications. pp. 891--899. Springer, Berlin (2008).
- Rohde, C., Yong, W.-A.: Dissipative entropy and global smooth solutions in radiation hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 18, 2151--2174 (2008).
- Merkle, C., Rohde, C.: The sharp-interface approach for fluids with phase change: Riemann problems and ghost fluid techniques. M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 41, 1089--1123 (2007).
- Rohde, C., Yong, W.-A.: The nonrelativistic limit in radiation hydrodynamics. I. Weak entropy solutions for a model problem. J. Differential Equations. 234, 91--109 (2007).
- Diehl, D., Rohde, C.: On the structure of MHD shock waves in diffusive-dispersive media. J. Math. Fluid Mech. 8, 120--145 (2006).
- Haink, J., Rohde, C.: Phase transition in compressible media and nonlocal capillarity terms. In: Hyperbolic problems: theory, numerics and applications. I. pp. 147--154. Yokohama Publ., Yokohama (2006).
- Jovanović, V., Rohde, C.: Error estimates for finite volume approximations of classical solutions for nonlinear systems of hyperbolic balance laws. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 43, 2423--2449 (electronic) (2006).
- Merkle, C., Rohde, C.: Computation of dynamical phase transitions in solids. Appl. Numer. Math. 56, 1450--1463 (2006).
- Coquel, F., Diehl, D., Merkle, C., Rohde, C.: Sharp and diffuse interface methods for phase transition problems in liquid-vapour flows. In: Numerical methods for hyperbolic and kinetic problems. pp. 239--270. Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich (2005).
- Dedner, A., Kröner, D., Rohde, C., Wesenberg, M.: Radiation magnetohydrodynamics: analysis for model problems and efficient 3d-simulations for the full system. In: Analysis and numerics for conservation laws. pp. 163--202. Springer, Berlin (2005).
- Gander, M.J., Rohde, C.: Nonlinear advection problems and overlapping Schwarz waveform relaxation. In: Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering. pp. 251--258. Springer, Berlin (2005).
- Gander, M.J., Rohde, C.: Overlapping Schwarz waveform relaxation for convection-dominated nonlinear conservation laws. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 27, 415--439 (2005).
- Jovanović, V., Rohde, C.: Finite-volume schemes for Friedrichs systems in multiple space dimensions: a priori and a posteriori error estimates. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations. 21, 104--131 (2005).
- Rohde, C.: Scalar conservation laws with mixed local and nonlocal diffusion-dispersion terms. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 37, 103--129 (electronic) (2005).
- Rohde, C.: Phase transitions and sharp-interface limits for the 1d-elasticity system with non-local energy. Interfaces Free Bound. 7, 107--129 (2005).
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- Winter term 2024/25
- Summer term 2024:
- Advanced Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
- Mathematische Methoden in der Strömungsmechanik
- Seminar für Mehrphasenströmungen
- Winter term 2023/24:
- Introduction to the numerics of partial differential equations
- Summer term 2023:
- Numerische Grundlagen für ernen, fmt, mach, mawi
- Computerpraktikum für den Bachelor
- Masterseminar Mathematics of Shock Waves
- Winter term 2022/23:
- Numerik für Differentialgleichungen
- Institutsseminar Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Simulation
- Seminar für Mehrphasenströmungen
- Summer term 2022:
- Numerische Mathematik 2 (Vorlesung und Übung)
- Proseminar Numerik für Data Sciences
- Institutsseminasr Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Simulation
- Mathematische Methoden in der Strömungsmechanik (Vorlesung und Übung)
- Seminar für Mehrphasenströmungen
- Fortgeschrittene Analysis für SimTech2 (Vorlesung und Übung)
- Winter term 2021/22:
- Numerische Mathematik 1
- Stochastik und Angewandte Mathematik für das Lehramt (zusammen mit M. Griesemer)
- Masterseminar Mathematische Modellierung: Grenzflächendynamik: scharf oder diffus?