Allmandring 5b
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 1.43
Office Hours
by appointment
Analysis and numerics for inverse problems
Bayesian inversion
Medical imaging methods
- Summer term 2021: Numerische Grundlagen/Höhere Mathematik 4
- Winter term 2020/21: Numerik für Differentialgleichungen
- Summer term 2020: Numerische Mathematik 2
- Winter term 2019/20: Numerische Mathematik 1
- Summer term 2019: Fortgeschrittene Analysis für SimTech 2
- Winter term 2018/19:
Numerik 1 - Summer term 2018:
Numerische Grundlagen/HM4 - Winter term 2017:/18:
Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler - Summer term 2017:
Numerische Grundlagen/HM4 - Winter term 2016/17:
Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler - Summer term 2016:
Numerik 2
03/2009 | Abitur, Gymnasium Traben-Trarbach, Traben-Trarbach |
10/2012 | B.Sc. Technomathematik, TU Dortmund |
07/2014 | M.Sc. Technomathematik, TU Dortmund |
since 01/2016 | Research assistant, University of Stuttgart Chair of Computational Mathematics for Complex Simulation in Science and Engineering (CMCS) |