This image shows Thiago Carvalho Corso

Thiago Carvalho Corso


Postdoc, Research assistant
Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation
Numerical Mathematics for High Performance Computing


+49 711 685 62013
+49 711 685 65507

Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 7.154

  1. Corso, T. C., & Friesecke, G. (2024). Next-order correction to the Dirac exchange energy of the free electron gas in the thermodynamic limit and generalized gradient approximations. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 65(8), Article 8.
  2. Carvalho Corso, T., Dupuy, M.-S., & Friesecke, G. (2024). The density–density response function in time-dependent density functional theory: Mathematical foundations and pole shifting. Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse Non Linéaire.
  3. Corso, T. C. (2024). A mathematical analysis of the adiabatic Dyson equation from time-dependent density functional theory. Nonlinearity, 37(6), Article 6.
  4. Corso, T. C., & Ried, T. (2024). On a variational problem related to the Cwikel-Lieb-Rozenblum and Lieb-Thirring inequalities.
  5. Corso, T. C. (2024). A generalized three lines lemma in Hardy-like spaces.
  6. Corso, T. C., Kemlin, G., Melcher, C., & Stamm, B. (2024). Numerical simulation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation via vortex tracking.
  7. Corso, T. C., Weidl, T., & Zeng, Z. (2024). Lieb-Thirring inequalities for the shifted Coulomb Hamiltonian.
  8. Corso, T. C. (2023). Two-term asymptotics of the exchange energy of the electron gas on symmetric polytopes in the high-density limit.
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