This image shows Thiago Carvalho Corso

Thiago Carvalho Corso


PostDoc, Research assistant
Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation
Numerical Mathematics for High Performance Computing


+49 711 685 62013
+49 711 685 65507

Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 7.154

  1. Carvalho Corso, T., Dupuy, M.-S., & Friesecke, G. (2024). The density–density response function in time-dependent density functional theory: Mathematical foundations and pole shifting. Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse Non Linéaire.
  2. Corso, T. C. (2024). A mathematical analysis of the adiabatic Dyson equation from time-dependent density functional theory. Nonlinearity, 37(6), Article 6.
  3. Corso, T. C., & Ried, T. (2024). On a variational problem related to the Cwikel-Lieb-Rozenblum and Lieb-Thirring inequalities.
  4. Corso, T. C., Kemlin, G., Melcher, C., & Stamm, B. (2024). Numerical simulation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation via vortex tracking.
  5. Corso, T. C. (2024). A generalized three lines lemma in Hardy-like spaces.
  6. Corso, T. C. (2023). Two-term asymptotics of the exchange energy of the electron gas on symmetric polytopes in the high-density limit.
  7. Corso, T. C., & Friesecke, G. (2023). Next-order correction to the Dirac exchange energy of the free electron gas in the thermodynamic limit and generalized gradient approximations.
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